Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Money Factor

I think we can all agree that we've seen some pretty high gas prices this year. I just did the math and between January and September this year, we averaged just under $85 a month on gas. That even includes June, where we went the whole month without filling up once. This month, we topped off our tank at $12.75 right before the challenge just about two weeks ago and that has been it. Based on our monthly average, we've saved $72.25 this month. Hey, I'll take that any month!

So far, the challenge has been going very well for us. We've been able to transport ourselves with our bike and public transportation for all destinations within a two mile radius and we've lucked out in getting rides to events that were scheduled before the car-free challenge to destinations over 5 miles away.

I don't think going a month without a car is going to be a problem for us, but I do miss the mobility that driving has to offer. Halloween is coming up and I still haven't picked up costumes for my kids. If I could drive, I'd just hop in a car and go right now. I could be back in an hour with something cute. However, it's night-time. It's dark out. It's also raining. I neither feel the inclination to ride my bike some place or look up bus schedules and figure our where I want to go and how to get there. The costumes will just have to wait.

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