Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We did it!

We celebrated the completion of our car-free challenge today, by going out for drinks. Transported by our Dutch bike, of course. I hopped in the cargo bucket with the rain cover on and I felt like a little kid again, squeezing into a small space, rolled up in a ball. My husband got a good laugh out of it, as did I.

Well, I applaud my husband for his efforts with this car-free challenge. Now that we've successfully completed our month, we'll have eleven more months of stories to tell.


cynchalily said...

Congratulations on your success, CFM & CFD!! We'll be eager to follow your continued efforts.

Winter said...

Congrats! I hope I'll get a chance to pedal the wee bairns around a bit in the coming months.

crimsonace said...

Congrats from an old friend at IU. That's a heck of a sacrifice to go without a car for a month, especially during late autumn in Chicago. Good luck to you & your family.